Return and cancellation policy

  • When Things Can Be Returned or Exchanged: You can initiate a return or exchange when the product is damaged or there is a quality issue. Returns should be initiated within 5 days from the date of order delivery (parcel delivery date by courier services, not the website’s delivery date).
  • How to Initiate a Return or Exchange: To initiate a return or exchange, please contact us by sending an email to and a WhatsApp message to +918778261387 with the subject “Return or Exchange Request.” For damaged items, provide an unedited unboxing video and clear pictures of the damaged items. For quality issues, send a detailed description of the quality problem. Ilavanam reserves the right not to accept a return or exchange if the provided information is not satisfactory.
  • Refund Processing Time: Refunds will be processed within 10 working days from the date the ordered item is returned.
  • Exchange Processing Time: Exchanges will be processed within 15 working days from the date the ordered item is returned.

Additional Information:

  • We reserve the right to reject orders and may limit or cancel the number of items you can purchase, including restrictions on the same customer account, credit card, or billing/shipping address.
  • Orders that appear to come from dealers, resellers, or distributors may be limited or stopped.
  • It is your responsibility to provide accurate and up-to-date information for your purchases and account in our store.
  • Maintaining current account details, including your email address and credit card information, is essential to facilitate transaction processing and communication.