Privacy Policy

What personal information does Ilavanam collect from its website/app users?

Ilavanam collects personal information from its website/app users, including contact details such as name, date of birth, phone number, gender, and email address, as well as billing information and credit/debit card details.

How does Ilavanam collect the personal information provided by users?

Ilavanam collects this information when users sign up on its platform, and users voluntarily provide this information during the registration process.

For what purposes does Ilavanam use the collected personal information?

Ilavanam uses the collected information for various purposes. Contact details are used for sending order updates, conducting satisfaction surveys, and providing notifications about new services. Billing and credit/debit card information is used solely for billing and delivery purposes. Ilavanam also saves billing information for user convenience for future orders. Personal Information is used for internal purposes like auditing, data analysis, and research to improve services. With user consent, the information may be used for promotional purposes, including on social media.

What measures does Ilavanam take to keep users’ information safe and secure?

Ilavanam takes steps to keep user information safe. While specific details of security measures are not provided in the provided information, they typically include encryption, access controls, and other industry-standard security practices to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and other security threats.

Are there any clauses or provisions in the privacy policy regarding the sharing of user information with third parties, and if so, what are they?

Ilavanam may share user information with third-party companies that assist in tasks like packaging, shipping, customer service, and mail delivery. However, they only share the necessary information with these companies to provide these services. The privacy policy does not specify the extent of third-party sharing or the names of specific third parties. Furthermore, the policy doesn’t mention sharing with any other third parties beyond service providers.